Category: Interiors
Status: Built
Place: Bari [I]
Year: 2008-2010
Project: V.P. Bagnato
P.A. De Nicolo
With: M. Fiore
Collaborators: A. Cecinato
Structures: -
Systems: S. Bagnato
Geology: -
Agronomy: -
Interiors: -
Supervisor: V.P. Bagnato
Client: Private
Dimension: 175 s.m.
Cost: € 450.000,00
Photographer: Michele Cera
A big space that faces the sea at one side and the urban landscape at the other develops the attic of the Colonna Building, a 1926 Liberty construction on the Di Crollalanza seafront. The house recuperates the typology of the modernist house’s “piano nobile”, made of a unique public space extended from the main living room to the sitting room at the back, facing the internal court of the building block. A 15 m long wall is the backbone of the whole house and it separates the service area from the living areas; a white wooden skin comes off from it and becomes an articulated wall unit that structures all the public space of the house. The choice of materials, limited to white plaster for the walls and oak white wood for the floor, let the space to be moulded by the natural light through light and shade effects always different during the day. The house is equipped with a home automation system that manages the artificial light and all the installations.
“80 Voglia di Casa – Ambiente Unico” – Istituto Mides/Casaidea 2011, III Ed.