Category: Rehabilitation
Status: Built
Place: Giovinazzo, Bari [I]
Year: 2004-2006
Project: V.P. Bagnato
P.A. De Nicolo
With: M. Fiore
Collaborators: -
Structures: M. Camporeale
Systems: S. Bagnato
Geology: -
Agronomy: -
Interiors: -
Supervisor: V.P. Bagnato
Client: Vedetta sul Mediterraneo ONLUS
Dimension: 227,4 s.m.
[terraces 432 s.m.]
Cost: € 473.000,00
Photographer: Paolo Tria
The museum is the result of the requalification of a construction built in 1909 (since 1978 declared Historical Good) with military functions located on the top of a medieval bastion surrounded by the sea, between the Ducal Palace and the Cathedral, in the old town of Giovinazzo. The project joins the existing parts of the construction (that have been restored) with the insertion of new structures required for its new function. All the architectonic elements are made of the same materials as the original construction, except for those that, being completely new, need to be recognizable (for ex. the box containing the bathrooms). The museum contains an integrated didactic system that articulates a multimedia museum, a biblio-mediatheque and a small conference hall, besides spaces for temporary exhibitions related to the sea culture.
Life Magazine n. 9/2004, Up Communication, pp. 34-37
“Torri costiere di Puglia”, Villa La Meridiana, S.M. Leuca (LE), 20/04-30/11/2007